Capitol Hill

Dish jabs back at Tribune over snarky ads

dish tribune

After the two companies failed to renew a contract on June 12, Tribune launched snarky websites like that call Dish “dishturbing”. Dish has responded with a lawsuit alleging “false and deceptive” advertising claims.

A carrot to encourage healthier food stamp use


LiveWell Colorado and a network of other nonprofits and government agencies will launch Double Up Food Bucks Colorado on July 1 using a $500,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

History Colorado names new leader

Steve Turner

Museum removes ‘interim’ tag from Steve Turner. His initial goals are to book fewer traveling exhibits and to find more revenue sources.

Countdown at the Sports Castle


The Sports Authority location at 10th and Broadway — known as the Sports Castle — will close for good on Sunday, according to several clerks working at the store.

Chicken shack fills Capitol Hill hole

WhiteFenceFarms CapHill

White Fence Farm is expanding in Denver area, including a site at 9th and Corona that formerly housed an Einstein Bros. Bagel shop

Beer garden proposed for downtown park


Downtown Denver Partnership seeks to attract more year-round visitors to the park, and will get help from Lowry Beer Garden and Lannie’s Clocktower Cabaret.

Coffee chain dips into bankruptcy

The company formerly had coffee shops at the top of the 16th Street Mall, in Congress Park and near DTC.