The project’s ground-floor retail space is leased to a distillery that will open this summer.
The project’s ground-floor retail space is leased to a distillery that will open this summer.
A Denver firm bought Dunton from the Chang family, which includes retired professional tennis player Michael Chang, and is choosing to focus instead on property management.
SNV reports the week’s biggest sale, while Transwestern scoops the largest lease deal in the latest roundup.
Fido will have to stretch his legs elsewhere when developers start condo construction at a triangular Five Points lot that recently changed hands.
A handful of landlords are suing a payment processing company after rent checks got lost somewhere in cyberspace.
A California real estate investment firm has purchased a 57-unit complex on the corner of Logan Street and Sixth Avenue.
A Denver developer has submitted plans for a five-story residential building on a quarter-acre site.
There’s a new clue in the case of two Colorado lawyers and the antagonistic online review that no one wants to claim.
A four-story building near Cheesman Park was bought by the owner of a company based out of and office there.
The coworking colossus now controls 150,000 square feet in the Mile High City.
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