Commercial landlords with a big payment coming due may get some breathing room.
Commercial landlords with a big payment coming due may get some breathing room.
Newmark Knight Frank reports the following deal: AMLI Residential purchased 2.68 acres at the southwest corner of Bannock Street and Alameda Avenue in Denver for $15.24 million from D4 Urban. Chris Cowan and Mackenzie Walker represented the seller. CBRE reports the following deals: RedPeak purchased 51 units at 950 N. Lafayette St. and 1120 and… Read more »
It’s the company’s first buy since acquiring part of Cap Hill’s Poets Row in November.
AMLI Residential plans to build a 370-unit apartment complex.
The six-unit building at 1st and Emerson sits on a lot zoned for up to five stories.
Plus, execs at Denver-based VF Corp are taking pay cuts, and Pac-12 cuts affect Colorado.
We checked in on the office building going up along Brighton Boulevard.
In an email sent to family members and business partners, Brian Watson, who ran for state treasurer in 2018, denied wrongdoing.
Plus, Alterra employees are being furloughed.
The building previously was home to Paramount Fabrics and Alpine Window Coverings.
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