
Amy DiPierro is a BusinessDen reporter who covers residential real estate, nonprofits, startups and more. She is a graduate of Swarthmore College. Email her at [email protected].

Short-term rentals shrug off new law

Airbnb screen ftd

As of Jan. 1, the city of Denver required short-term rental properties to register and pay lodging tax. Only 18 percent of properties have complied.

$3.7M raise delivered to medical startup

dispatchHealth car

Ready to roll into three more cities in 2017, a startup that sends a Prius to deliver less-urgent medical care has refueled with a $3.7 million capital raise.

Swim school franchise breaks ground in Stapleton

goldfishSwimSchool rendering

After eight years watching young families like theirs flood Stapleton, a local couple is building a $4 million indoor pool to teach kids as young as 4 months old how to swim.